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    Fadli Zon: happy birthday Bro Sandiaga Uno

    Jumat, 28 Juni 2019, 02:24 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-24T09:58:37Z

    BERITA SOLO - Deputy Speaker of the House Fadli Zon gave a special speech on the 50th birthday of Vice President Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, today (28/06).

    "Happy 50th Birthday Bro @sandiuno today, June 28. We wish you a healthy, long life and continue to strive towards the ideals of our nation and country," Fadli Zon said, through his personal official account, just a moment ago.

    The greeting was conveyed by Fadli zon after the two of them after witnessing the results of the Constitutional Court (MK) verdict.

    Previously, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno responded strongly to the results of the Constitutional Court's decision. In fact, Sandiaga had ordered that his supporters continue the struggle.

    "Our struggle is a noble and noble struggle. We support and continue the struggle, ideals, and teachings of our Proclamator. We want to create a just and prosperous Indonesia. We want to create a truly independent Indonesia," Sandiaga said.

    In his written message, Sandiaga also said, "To all supporters, let's not be discouraged. We remain strong, remain full of noble ideals, but always in peace, anti-violence, and loyal to the constitution. We must think of more interests big, namely the integrity of the nation and state, "

    "May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala always give blessings and protection to this nation and all its people. Aamiin ya robbal'alamiin," he added.

    Writing by Anisa Nurul


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