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    Karanganyar Residents Get Aid for Trash Carts

    Kamis, 27 Juni 2019, 19:34 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-24T09:51:18Z

    BERITA SOLO - Karanganyar Village, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta distributed 13 garbage carts and 92 wheelbarrows to a number of RWs in the local area. Hundreds of carts that were distributed consisted of two-wheeled garbage carts and one-wheeled wheelbarrows with new conditions.
    "This is procurement from the kelurahan itself. The distribution of 13 garbage carts for 13 RWs and 92 wheelbarrows is distributed to 11 RWs. So the numbers vary. There are eight and nine units per RW," said Heru Supriyono, Karang Anyar Village Head on Thursday (27 / 6).

    Heru said, the distribution of these carts was due to the aspirations of the community in the Karang Anyar Village Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang).

    "We budget the Musrenbang and distribute it," he said.

    He hopes that the presence of these carts can make the Karanganyar area cleaner than garbage piles. In addition, transportation of waste in the local environment is also expected to be on time.

    "I ask the RW management to be able to maintain and maintain the carts that have been distributed," he said.

    writer: Dewi Sulastri


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