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    PKS: The Adil Makmur Coalition is very worthy to continue

    Jumat, 28 Juni 2019, 17:34 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-26T06:37:27Z

    BERITA SOLO - After the ruling of the Constitutional Court (MK) on the 2019 presidential election, Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician Mardani Ali Sera said that PKS would remain an opposition in the Jokowi government.

    "It's Time to Build Critical and Constructive Oppositions," he said on Friday (6/28/2019).

    The reason is that for an effective nation-building, he said, it was felt that there was a need to control the performance of the joint government so that the mistakes of the previous period could be improved for the people's prosperity.

    "The competition in Democracy has a beginning and an end. In constitution, the Constitutional Court's decision states that Pak Jokowi won the 2019 Election. This is in accordance with the KPU's calculation decision. #OposisiKritisKonstruktif," as written on his personal Twitter account.

    Apart from the shortcomings in the process and implementation of the election, this nation, he said, would not want to have to step forward.

    And in the next five years, Pak Jokowi gets the mandate to lead this country.

    It is time for us to become a critical and constructive opposition as a balancing power of the government. As long as we are determined to defend the people, it is just the good that can be obtained, both inside and outside the government.

    "The Adil Makmur Coalition is very feasible to continue to be a balancing force to guard so that development is truly aimed at the interests of the people. We hope and pray that in the future this nation will get blessings, glorify scholars and love their people #OposisiKritisKonstruktif."

    Writing by Dewi Untari



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