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    Prabowo's Supporters Keep Consistent Being Opposition

    Selasa, 09 Juli 2019, 11:28 WIB Last Updated 2020-07-03T18:44:03Z
    Prabowo's Supporters Keep Consistent Being Opposition

    BERITA SOLO  - Supporters of Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno are still committed to supporting these two figures in building the nation and state.

    Although the Presidential Election was considered complete by the Jakarta KPU, the discourse on social media (social media) was colored by the viral support for Prabowo-Sandi. Including to be consistent in opposition.

    One of the viral ones was Iramawati Oemar's writing which was shared via whatsapp and other social media. Iramawati Oemar is a volunteer for Prabowo-Sandi support.

    "Thank you Iramawati Oemar who represented US in delivering an open letter to the beloved leader" Mr. PRABOWO & Bapak SANDI, "said one of Prabowo-Sandi's volunteers in Surabaya, A. Choliq, Thursday, July 4, 2019.

    While to this day, social media in Indonesia is still busy carrying the tag #85JutaRakyatMenolakJokowi,
     #TolakBonekaDuaPeriode and #MatikanTVAdaJae which are considered as rejection of the results of the decision of the Constitutional Court.

    - Rahmad Sudibyo 



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