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    This Issue Is Discussed in the JK Meeting with Prabowo

    Sabtu, 06 Juli 2019, 17:47 WIB Last Updated 2020-07-03T18:32:03Z
     This Issue Is Discussed in the JK Meeting with Prabowo

    BERITA SOLO  - Vice President Jusuf Kalla said he had met specifically with Gerindra Party Chairperson Prabowo Subianto.

    The meeting, said JK, was carried out after an escalation of disappointed supporters of the Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno supporters because their lawsuit was rejected by the Constitutional Court (MK).

    JK said the goal of the same nation made Indonesia remain strong so that divisions due to political escalation could be avoided.

    "The first time I asked him [Prabowo, Red]. What is your purpose [in life]? [Said Prabowo] The goal is to advance this nation, economically, socially justly," Jusuf Kalla said at the ICMI Association. in Jakarta, Friday night July 5, 2019.

    With the objectives conveyed by Prabowo, JK said, he immediately reached out as an agreement for the big goal.

    "It means that if we have the same goal and we [want] to be tired, we will definitely be united. The problem is that if that goal is not achieved then we will experience differences and unity to be far away," he said further.

    Furthermore, Jusuf Kalla said that national unity is impossible without social and economic justice. According to him, the community may be united, but without a clear goal will cause differences and problems.

    "Talk about nationality is of course not only united in purpose, if we are on television every night that we see conflict for conflict, whether political, physical, and peaceful," he said.

    According to him, Indonesia still must be grateful because this nation has the spirit of caring for unity in various ways. One of them is the gathering like the one held by ICMI tonight.

    However, JK added, unity is not enough without justice.

    "We may unite, but without clear goals it will make a difference to the problem. The experience of Indonesia's history, this nation has a problem if the sense of justice and the economy is problematic, "he said.

    Therefore, he invited all ICMI members present at the event, and the community to continue to strive to create social justice. If justice is realized, then unity will be even tighter.

    - Utami Ningrum


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